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Deerfield Beach Special Edition: 10 Secret Unit Testing Tips - Gil Zilberfeld - TypeMock.com

11/07/2011 - 6:30 PM - Casa Maya Grill - Deerfield Beach Cove

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Unit testing is a core agile practice. Everybody knows unit tests are good for them. But not many people actually do it, and those who do, have trouble keeping up doing them.

It doesn’t have to be like that!

In this talk, We’ll discuss 10 tips (not including bonuses), that help us understand when to apply unit tests, what makes them long lived, what traps we can set for ourselves if we’re not careful, and to be happy with the result. These tips apply regardless the platform you develop on, or the type of application you write.

At the end of the session, we’ll split into groups and do a short code kata, using Test Driven Development. While the talk is great (I can vouch for that), this is the real fun part! BRING YOUR LAPTOP!


Gil Zilberfeld is Typemock's product manager, working as part of an agile team in an agile company, creating tools for agile developers. He has been in software since childhood, starting out with Logo turtles (remember those days?). With more than fifteen years of experience in software development, Gil has performed a number of roles—from coding to team management and implementation of processes. He speaks, blogs, and writes about unit testing , agile and how to make them work, and encourages developers to implement agile practices, communicate correctly and write tests. Gil writes a personal blog (gilzilberfeld.com) and contributes to the Typemock blog (blog.typemock.com). Contact him at gilz@typemock.com or on twitter: @gil_zilberfeld.




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