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West Palm Dev Integrating PowerShell in Visual Studio Community - Max Trinidad

01/26/2015 - 6:30 PM - PC Professor, West Palm Beach

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Lets take a look at integrating PowerShell into the free Visual Studio 2013 Community edition plus any other free add-ons which makes it a valuable tool in your arsenal. Check some PowerShell samples integration with .NET console, Cloud, and SSIS.


Maximo Trinidad (Florida Aka – Mr. PowerShell)- I’m from Puerto Rico, have been working with computers since 1979. Throughout many years, I have worked with SQL Server Technologies, provided support to Windows Server/Client systems, Microsoft Virtualization Technologies, and build some Visual Studio solutions. I’m a Microsoft PowerShell MVP since 2009 (7 yrs) and MVP SAPIEN Technologies 2015. I speak in most of the SQLSaturday, IT Pro and .NET camps events around the Florida’s State. Also founder of the Florida PowerShell User Group which meeting every 3rd Thursday evening of the month.




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